Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ava turns 2

Well I can officially say celebrating two was much more fun than her 'birth' day. No major pains, no hospital lockdowns, no staying up all night because we were too excited to sleep. Instead we had a request for cake to start the day. We transformed that into mouse-shaped pancakes which were a hit. Dan and I got her a slide to play on inside so we slid, and slid and climbed and slid. Her cousin Katie sent her a card with Katie singing her rendition of 'Happy Birthday.' We listened to it a lot. A dinner of enchiladas, salad, and cake rounded out an amazing day. We are blessed to be Ava's parents. The last two years have been crazy; however, she is fantastic and on days like today we just sit and smile at our daughter.

1 comment:

  1. So cute Dusty! Im so sad that I still haven't gotten to meet her. My fingers are crossed for sometime this summer. Happy Birthday Ava!
